Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School

I look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school in the near future.

Mr Nagel-Smith

Graham Nagel-Smith


We are a small Church of England school for children aged 2-11 at the centre of the village communities of Morgan's Vale, Woodfalls, Lover and Redlynch.

We believe that a child's primary school years should be some of the happiest of their lives and this impacts on everything we do from the care we take of our children, to the fun and creative curriculum we plan. A calm industrious buzz of learning or laughter from a shared funny moment are the most common sounds heard in our classrooms and corridors. If you are considering a new school for your child please feel free to make an appointment to come and see for yourself.

The school has modern, large and bright classrooms with excellent facilities for learning and exploring inside and outside the school building. We use ICT to support learning in the classroom and have enough laptops for every child in a class to have one each and we now have enough iPads to do the same. The school has traditional Christian values that underpin everything we do in school and it is worth clicking through the other pages on the website to review these and the wealth of other information about the school. The "News" section on the Parent page links through to the school's Facebook page, which is updated most days, and you’ll find details of the school's excellent SATs results and Inspection reports under the "Improving" menu.