Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School

School Development Plan

School Development Plan 2024/25

In June 2021 the school was inspected by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) and maintained its ‘Good’ status. The School also underwent a National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) in December 2017 and the ‘Outstanding’ grade was extended to all areas of the inspection. The School converted to an Academy in September 2013 and, as you would expect, there have been some changes to the teaching staff team since then. The School’s Nursery provision was inspected by Ofsted in May 2014 and was found to be ‘Good’ in every area. Due to changes in Education Legislation the School’s Nursery provision is now inspected as a part of the rest of the School.

As the School was previously judged to be ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ behaviour and safety of pupils during the School’s 2013 inspection, the 2016 and 2021 inspections were one day inspections to check that improvements had been made in areas highlighted and that the School was still ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ features. This is against a backdrop of ever improving standards in education across the country. As with all Inspection Reports, there were a few tweaks to be made to improve us further and these are worked on in our School Development Plans. The School Development Plan (SDP) only describes things that we are doing this year that are in addition to what we already do, and our plans build on things that have been successful in previous years.

  • The school is in the process of moving from a Single Academy Trust (SAT) to joining Magna Learning Partnership (MLP) Multi Academy Trust (MAT). As a result, much of our school development plan will be concerned with adapting our systems to merge with those of MLP and to make the most of the additional support and opportunities that joining a MAT will afford our children and staff.
  • We usually have a single focus on Reading, Writing or Maths during a year and our previous foci on Reading, Writing and Maths (the introduction of Read Write Inc and Talk-4-Writing and reinvestment in the Big Maths programme) have had a marked and sustained impact in all our assessment statistics throughout the Key Stages. This year as we look to benchmark with other primary schools within MLP all our subjects will be in focus, although writing and times tables will receive a little more attention as we look to build on our 2024 results.
  • Having reviewed our curriculum over the last two years we are now restarting our curriculum cycle and this creates an opportunity to fine tune and refine our curriculum further to be better resourced and more responsive to our children’s needs.
  • Our last SIAMS inspection was in 2017 and we are next expecting a visit in 2025/26 academic year. A lot has changed in the last eight years in the life of the school and there is some preparation work to be carried out in readiness for this visit which will look at the school’s distinctiveness as a Church School.
  • Our teaching staff team continues to develop and change as new staff join us with new skills and interests and our more experienced staff become ready for further and different responsibilities. We are therefore constantly developing and supporting our staff as they move into middle and senior leadership roles within the school.
  • Early Years staff successfully gained a new accreditation of the Bristol Standards quality mark in 2023/24. This year we will restart the cycle of maintaining our accreditation in three years’ time. As part of our 2023/24 accreditation, we identified areas for development which form the action plan for the next three years. These include continuing to upskill our practitioners and make greater use of our extensive outside spaces.