Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School

Friends Fundraising

Our Friends organisation are a happy bunch of parents and members of the local community who volunteer to help run fundraising activities for the benefit of the children (events such as Movie Mobs), families (events such as the Spirit of Christmas Fayre) and adults (events such as Quiz Nights and Beer Festivals). The money raised goes towards the ‘nice to haves’ that enhance the school environment or help provide non-essential learning resources that the school would not otherwise be able to afford. In the recent past fundraised money has gone towards providing large play equipment for children to use at break times, purchasing iPads, covering the cost of a travelling theatre company to perform a pantomime for the whole school and helping with the costs of purchasing two minibuses for school use. There is not a formal committee structure and everyone is welcome to come to meetings, share ideas and get involved - it’s a great way to get to know other parents within the school!

If you have any questions regarding the Friends of the School Fundraisers or would like to know more about how to get involved, please get in touch using the email address.