Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School

How We Promote Your Child's Wellbeing

Pupil Wellbeing

Promoting the mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing of our pupils is at the core of everything we do. Children flourish at school when they have a sense of belonging, have shared values, good relationships with adults and children and know they will be supported if things go wrong. We do this by:


Because we are a small school, we do a lot of things together. We meet at the start of every day for Collective Worship. Most days this is the whole school all together, but on Thursdays this might be as infants and juniors. The children eat lunch all together at the same time. We have whole school learning days for example International Day, Forest Day, Sports Day, Book Week. A key value of the school is that we accept everyone. We have a School Council of Year 6 pupils who meet regularly with the Headteacher and are also allocated to each class, running their class councils and making sure the pupil voice is heard and taken account of.


The School’s Christian values are the foundations of how we behave and treat each other. We have called them our ‘Community Values’ as they show us how to love the members of our School community and the wider community of where we live. Jesus said, “Love one another.” (John 13v34) and our community values help us to do that. The school has a strong commitment to charity work and we are always looking for ways to bless people who are struggling in life in the wider world community raising money and awareness through charity events. We encourage our children to reflect on their learning and their day in general, we do this during Collective Worship, at points during the school day and we have a spiritual garden for children who want to step out of the busy-ness of the playground and find quiet and calm by themselves or with friends.


All our children know each other and all the adults in the school and vice versa. As we are a small school our children are taught in mixed year classes so children are very used to playing and learning with the year group above and below them. Shared experiences such as the numerous trips our children go on and the whole school learning days help to build relationships that are underpinned by the school’s values. Annual residential trips for upper KS2 take this to another level. Our Year 6 children look forward to caring for children in Reception (our BOB scheme) from the time they start in school and throughout their first year.


We have support mechanisms in place to help children who are struggling with their wellbeing. As children have a strong sense of belonging and have good relationships there is a natural support network around your child that they can access when things are not going well. This is strengthened by the school’s Anti-bullying policies and procedures such as the Bubbleboard and our PSHE programme called HeartSmart (this is used throughout the school to give children the language to describe how they are feeling and the strategies to self-help and get the help they need). The school also has an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) that can support children 1:1 or in small groups depending on their need, whether it be a long-term or short-term. Our staff are readily available to parents for quick conversations at the beginning and end of the school day, or longer conversations can be easily made by appointment. Parents’ meetings with their child’s class teacher are three times a year. The Headteacher is always out at the front of the school at either end of the day to make it easy for problems to be raised and sorted before they become a source of worry and concern.