Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School

50 Things to do before you are 11 ¾

This year, as a school we are trying to complete the National Trust’s 50 Things To Do Before You're 11 ¾. We have a display set up in school to record our progress and we’re doing as many of them as possible as a whole school. Keep checking back to see how we’re getting on!

So far we have completed:

1. Climb a tree
2. Roll down a really big hill
4. Build a den
5. Skim a stone
6. Run around in the rain
7. Fly a kite
8. Catch a fish with a net
9. Eat an apple straight from a tree
10. Play conkers
12. Make a trail with sticks
13. Make a mud pie
14. Dam a stream
15. Play in the snow
16. Make a daisy chain
17. Set up a snail race
18. Create some wild art
19. Play pooh sticks
20. Jump over waves
21. Pick blackberries growing in the wild
22. Explore inside a tree
23. Visit a farm
25. Make a grass trumpet
26. Hunt for fossils and bones
27. Go star gazing
28. Climb a huge hill
29. Explore a cave
30. Hold a scary beast
31. Hunt for bugs
32. Find some frogspawn
33. Catch a falling leaf
34. Track wild animals
35. Discover what’s in a pond
36. Make a home for a wild animal
38. Bring up a butterfly
40. Go on a nature walk at night
41. Plant it, grow it, eat it
44. Go bird watching
46. Try rock climbing
47. Cook on a campfire
Click here to see the full list.