Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School

Vision and Values

The School’s Values underpin everything we do and how we relate to each other. They were drawn up in discussion with the children, staff, parents and governors. As a Church School we took our inspiration from the Bible and the instruction of Jesus to his disciples in John’s Gospel (Chapter 13 verse 34) to

Love one another

We decided to call them Community Values as we wanted our children to take them out into the wider community as well as within our School Community. Our values are at the centre of our Behaviour Policy and are referred to in every Act of Collective Worship.

Community Values

To love one another...

  • We accept everyone
  • We treat others, as we would like them to treat us
  • We are peacemakers and we forgive others
  • We are truthful and honest
  • We value people above objects
  • We respect our own and other people’s property
  • We try for our personal best
  • We are patient, helpful and kind
  • We are proud of our own and others’ achievements
  • We are good listeners

Our Mission Statement

Love and Faith in Learning Together

The school recognises its role in equipping children to become life-long learners and, in doing so enable them to become fulfilled and productive members of society. As a Church school, our core values are based on the teachings of the Christian faith, and we believe that every child is special and unique.

We encourage, expect and celebrate achievement in all our pupils regardless of their ability, race, background, religious beliefs, gender, or disability.

British Values

We believe that the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance and Individual Liberty are expressed through our Community Values and our Behaviour Policies for staff and pupils. They can be seen in the way the school runs on a day-to-day basis.