Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School

SEND Information

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report

From September 2014 all schools and academies are required to publish information about their SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS and DISABILITY (SEND) provision. In Wiltshire, this will form part of a Local Offer and details about our SEND provision, and that of other schools and agencies provision, can be found under a dedicated Local Offer website accessed by clicking:

Wiltshire Local Offer - Local Offer

This is in line with a new Code of Practice, which can be found in its entirety by clicking here. The new Code of Practice focusses on providing the right support for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have a special educational need and / or a disability. It also gives parents and carers a greater say in what appropriate provision is for their child.

The new Code of Practice will also see the phased ending of School Action, School Action Plus and Statements as a means to categorising SEND – instead where there is a need, children will be identified as requiring extra support and for those where there will be a higher level of support, the child will be in support of an Education and Healthcare plan. This replaces the old system where a child would receive a 'Statement of Special Educational need'. In Wiltshire, the Education and Healthcare plan is referred to as a 'My Plan'; meaning that it is owned by the child.

Below is a set of questions that will help you understand more about SEND and our approach to SEND at Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School (MVW Academy).

A copy of the School's SEND Policy can be found here:

SEND Policy

What kinds of special educational needs are provided for at MVW Academy?

The school's Community Values, which promote acceptance and celebrate achievement, underpin the ethos of inclusion for all our pupils regardless of their ability, race, background, religious beliefs, gender or disability.

MVW Academy is proud to be able to provide an inclusive education for children who may have:

  • Cognition and learning needs
  • Communication and interaction needs
  • Physical and medical needs
  • Behavioural, social and emotional needs
  • Sensory needs

How do we identify children and young people with SEND and their needs?

At MVW Academy we admit children from the age of 2 years old and are therefore able to identify and assess children at an early stage in order to plan provision best suited to them as soon as possible so that they are able to have the best possible start at school age.

Prior to starting school from another preschool setting a child may have already been identified with a Special Educational Need or Disability. Where this is the case, we work closely with parents and supporting agencies to ensure transition into school is as smooth as possible and to plan so that good progress is made by that child.

In School we make regular assessments of children and record their progress against the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), or against the National Curriculum for children from Year 1 to Year 6. We also monitor closely children's emotional and behavioural wellbeing. Where assessments show a child is not operating at age related expectations, or they are making less than expected progress, or if they are finding it difficult to interact socially or behave appropriately, we will use our professional judgement to decide if the child has a Special Educational Need.

Once we have considered the possibility that a child may have a Special Educational Need, we will, in the first instance, approach that child's parents or carers to discuss our concerns. In agreement with parents we will then assess the specific issue that is preventing the child making progress.

To make our assessments, in most cases we use a 'toolkit' provided by SEND services at Wiltshire Council called the 'Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEND Support (WGRSS)'. Once we have made our assessments we will be able to ascertain whether we can adapt our class based provision to meet a child's needs or whether we need to involve outside agencies. Again, parents will be kept informed and included in the decision making process. At every stage of the identification process, we will also involve the child (where appropriate).

Of course, if you have concerns that your child may need additional support, you should approach the school at your earliest convenience.

Our current SEN policy can be downloaded by clicking here.

Who are our SEND team?

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Miss Bethany Casson. She has overall responsibility for leading school development in SEND and is working towards the National Professional Qualification for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators.

Our SENCO is contactable via the school in writing at:

Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls CE Primary School
Morgans Vale Road

Or via the school telephone number on 01725 510740

Or via email, address:

The SEN Governor for MVW Academy is Mrs Sheila Youings and she is also contactable through the school (

How do we consult with parents of children who have SEND?

Where we have an initial concern, it is most likely that your child's class teacher or SENCO will approach you to arrange a meeting to discuss concerns and next steps.

If your child has been identified as having SEND and outside agencies are involved, you will be invited to attend a meeting twice a year to discuss your child's provision. This is in addition to the usual parents’ evenings/afternoons, which take place three times a year.

Parents are sent copies of the child's Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Here is a list of useful websites for parents:

Our open door policy encourages a strong line of communication with our parents/carers. If parents need to see the teacher in addition to this they can make an appointment at a mutually convenient time. Staff are available at the end of the day to see parents but for longer discussions an appointment is often more effective. In some instances, parents may have a home/school communication book, if this is felt to be a more effective route of communication.

The school recognises that parents have a unique overview of the child's needs and how best to support them, and that this gives them a key role in the partnership.

How do we consult with children who have SEND?

Class teachers will consult regularly with children who have outcomes planned for them individually, about how they feel they are progressing to meeting those outcomes in an age-appropriate way. Children will also be part of any review meetings and will be asked to give their views either on paper (where a child has a difficulty that prevents them from drawing or writing a teaching assistant or teacher might work with that child to complete any written evidence) and / or in person at the review meeting in an age-appropriate way.

What arrangements are in place for assessing and reviewing children and young people's progress towards outcomes and what opportunities are available to work with parents and young people as part of the assessment and review?

All children at MVW Academy are assessed formally three times a year in reading, writing and maths. Following these formal assessments, targets are drawn up for the children. There is also weekly testing in the form of Big Maths tests and spelling tests. Writing is also assessed each half term through the 'Big Write'. Following this, teachers meet with the Headteacher to moderate the work across the school and the literacy and maths subject leaders meet with staff to explore progress. These levels allow us to monitor progress closely throughout the year and, for those children identified as having SEN, this allows us to see progress towards the desired outcomes and to identify areas of need and adjust IEP targets and our provision accordingly.

Inclusivity in the classroom means that all children will receive feedback on progress made in learning at the start of every learning sequence. The children will also be invited to participate in and / or submit written evidence to any formal meeting that is organised to review progress to meeting outcomes.

Parent evenings are also offered in term 1, term 4 and term 6 to discuss progress towards meeting outcomes.

All parents are offered support on how to work with their children outside of school through termly class topic letters and other events that are held throughout the year for parents on how to help their child make progress.

What arrangements are in place for supporting children and young people moving between year groups in school and for moving from the primary phase to the secondary phase of education?

At MVW Academy, Foundation Stage 1 (FS1) children are in the classroom next door to FS2 children (Reception) and share the same outdoor space so when children transition into school they already know the room, staff and the classroom routines.

Towards the end of each school year, class teachers meet to share information to help make transition from one class into another as seamless as possible for all pupils. Children also experience some time with their new class teachers. For children with SEND, this provision may be increased and a new class teacher might, for example, provide a transition book to a child who finds change difficult so that child knows what to expect when they move class.

For Year 6 children, the SENCO will arrange to meet with transitions workers and SENCOs from receiving secondary schools and a firm plan for transition will be made. Children will meet these adults and will be involved in the transition process. Parents will also be kept informed about these meetings. The children will also attend a taster day(s) at their new school. The SENCO will also discuss and pass on any SEN information about that child that needs to be passed on to their new school.

How do we approach teaching children with SEND?

At MVW Academy we ensure access to a broad and balanced curriculum for all. The learning needs of the majority of children will be met in the classroom. We aim to achieve this through high quality planning and quality first teaching where learning and activities are differentiated to meet the needs of individuals. Teachers are expected to make every effort to ensure that children with special educational needs are fully involved in the life of the class. All teachers and teaching assistants are aware of the SEND of the children we teach, it is the class teacher's responsibility to make provision for the children in their class.

However, because a child has SEND we realise that we have to change our provision so that they can access learning in order to meet their full potential. We do this in a number of ways including:

  • teachers adapting planning so that individuals have specific learning outcomes
  • withdrawing children from class for short periods of time so that any gaps in learning can be closed;
  • providing extra adult support in class so that children are focussed on accessing the curriculum;
  • meeting regularly in staff teams to discuss provision and if it needs to be adapted;
  • liaising with outside agencies such as Wiltshire Central SEN Services and Behaviour Support to receive the best advice on how to help children learn
  • adapting buildings and furniture if necessary so that children are not restricted from using the school fully.

It should be remembered that we do not offer a 'one size fits all solution' to children with SEND – this is because every child and every need is individual. We will endeavour to always involve parents and children in developing the best provision so that children have the best possible school experience. In cases where this in school support is not sufficient to meet the needs of the child and extra support/expertise is necessary, specialist outside agencies will be consulted and involved in planning, target setting and assessing for children with SEND. In cases where children have more severe needs a statutory assessment by the Local Authority may be requested.

This will involve completion of a statutory 'My Plan' for the child detailing their personal information, personality, strengths, needs, required support, current targets and aims and the longer term wishes of the child, parents and school.

However, sometimes the school recognises it is not able to meet the needs of all children with SEND and will support the parents in finding a more appropriate setting for their child.

Children joining our school who are in receipt of a ‘My Plan’ where additional funding is supplied by the Wiltshire Local Authority, will be given priority in admissions if our school is the first choice of parents.

What adaptions are made to the curriculum and learning environment for children with SEND?

In our curriculum, and depending upon the need of the child, we make adaptions so that children can access learning. These include:

  • providing enlarged print for texts
  • providing reading rulers
  • breaking curriculum content down into small parts;
  • providing visual cues and timetables so children are able to be independent in their learning
  • providing children with resources that allow independent access to curriculum content such as acetate overlays or different coloured paper for children who have been diagnosed with dyslexia
  • access arrangements for examinations
  • the use of a computer to word process rather than hand write
  • providing children with movement breaks
  • providing children with a work station
  • providing children with a work tray
  • providing children with a wobble cushion
  • providing children with a fiddle toy

Specific subject interventions:

  • Literacy: BLAST, Nessy, - don’t use it, WESFORD 1&2, don’t use them Read Write Inc, Speech and Language tools in Key Stage 1.
  • Maths: don’t use them Supporting pupils with gaps in their mathematical understanding, Big Maths interventions.

It may also be necessary to make physical adaptions in the school building to allow children with SEND to access learning. Adaptions could include:

  • specialist furniture
  • installation of induction loops for children with hearing difficulties
  • seating arranged so that there is line of sight to important resources and the class teacher
  • access to specialist IT equipment
  • modifications to toilet facilities
  • widening of entry and exit points
  • installation of ramps to allow wheel chair access

How do we ensure that our staff are trained to support children and young people with SEND?

The school SENCO, Miss Bethany Casson is working towards a nationally recognised SENCO qualification. The SENCO attends the local network meetings organised by Wiltshire County Council to received regular updates on SEND provision and to receive training which she then disseminates this to colleagues. The school also receives support and access to expertise through its Multi Academy Trust membership of Magna Learning Partnership.

We also send other staff on relevant continuing professional development courses so that they are equipped to teach children with SEND.

How do we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision we make for children and young people with SEND?

Class teachers and other adults responsible for the provision of children with SEND meet regularly to discuss progress against planned outcomes.

The Headteacher and SENCO will analyse information about all children in the school and have responsibility for ensuring that children with SEND are making at least expected progress.

The SENCO will also monitor planning and other evidence to ensure that children with SEND are receiving a full and inclusive entitlement.
The SENCO and the SEN Governor evaluates the SEND policy annually to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The Governing body work with the teaching staff and continuously monitor progress.

How do we ensure that children with SEND are enabled to engage in activities available with children in the school who do not have SEND?

At the classroom level, all children are planned for so that they can access the curriculum regardless of their need or the subject being taught. We are committed to adapting physical resources, teaching styles and techniques and following advice from any professional body or recognised advisory service so that children with SEND have equality of access.

What support is in place for improving emotional and social development?

We are part of a cluster arrangement with local schools so that we have access to counselling services should they be required.
We do not tolerate bullying and should we have cases reported to us we follow the school's anti-bullying policy [Pupil Behaviour Policy]

Concerns and behaviour issues, including incidents of bullying, are recorded and acted upon as necessary.

Above all, children with SEND are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school.

We now have an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who works in the school Monday-Thursday afternoons. She works one to one with the children or in small groups covering a range of needs and support specific to them. These children are chosen by the teacher as being most in need of emotional support.

How do we involve other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children's SEN and supporting their families?

Where there is an identified need and a multi-agency approach is required, including voluntary agencies, we ask families to participate in the Wiltshire Early Support Assessment. By engaging with this process we can make referrals to relevant agencies as necessary.
Click here to go back to questions.

What happens when parents and carers are not happy with our provision?

Most issues can be sorted out by speaking directly to a child's class teacher - we pride ourselves in an open door policy and our inclusive atmosphere.

Where speaking to the class teacher has not resolved an issue, there is a clear complaints procedure that can be downloaded [Complaints Policy]. Specifically for SEND, if after the class teacher has been approached and a satisfactory conclusion has not been reached, then the Headteacher should be approached. Parents can also contact the SEN Governor to discuss any concerns. If this still does not resolve the issue, a formal complaint can be made to the Chair of Governors.

Next Steps

We want to hear what you think about our SEND provision. If you have any questions about the new Code of Practice or anything else to do with SEND we would also like to hear from you.

COVID-19 Specific Questions

What are the entitlements of children with SEND if schools are closed due to Coronavirus or if a child needs to self isolate?

Vulnerable children and children with an EHCP are encouraged to be in school depending upon their personal circumstances/family situation. If they are not able to be in school then provision is sent home to support parents and they can contact their child's teacher and the SENCO if they need further assistance.

Are external agencies able to support schools and carry out observations at present?

During this time, external agencies have mostly been unable to visit children in schools so virtual meetings may have to take place. In some instances, few agencies have visited and carried out observations as best they can under the current guidelines.

Are deadlines and meetings still being held for children with SEND?

The school will do it's best to hold annual reviews and necessary meetings with parents of children with SEND wherever possible. However, a phone call or virtual meeting may have to happen.

What will happen if my child needs to self-isolate?

In the event of a child having to self-isolate or the schools closing once again, then school would provide resources for parents to use at home to support the need of the child.

We understand that this has been and continues to be a difficult time for many parents and children. If you are at all concerned about their mental health please contact the school so we can help.